Posts tagged ‘yogurt’

June 30, 2011

Banana Strawberry Yogurt

This is one of those super simple snacks that I just discovered (really!). To my dismay, I ate the rest of the granola last week, and so I went to work with a only container of strawberry yogurt, a banana, and lunch. As I pulled out my yogurt and banana for my coffee break, I kept thinking about how there was nothing in my yogurt and there would be nothing to eat it with… Then I sat down and looked at the yogurt and then at the banana. Who wouldn’t mix together strawberry and banana?? Since there are so many strawberry banana food items out there. It turned out delicious!

+ Strawberry yogurt
+ A banana

+ Put the yogurt into a container
+ Cut up the banana into slices (using a spoon, in my case, hence the super unequal slices)
+ Mix the banana slices into the yogurt
+ Enjoy!

Recipe from: My brain during my coffee break

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