Posts tagged ‘fruit’

April 30, 2012

Banana-Mango-Orange-Strawberry-Apple Juice Fruit Smoothie

The picture isn’t particularly amazing. I should have taken one when I had all the fruit layered in the blender — it was pretty awesome compared to the finished product in the glass. (I felt healthier just by looking at it!) It was bright orange/yellow with flecks of red from the strawberries. Of course, you could always add extra protein powder or whatever you like to supplement.

Ingredients (from the bottom of the blender to the top):
+ 2 medium-sized bananas
+ 2 mangoes, cubed
+ 5 strawberries (that’s all we had left D: )
+ 1 peeled orange
+ 1.5 cups of apple juice
+ 8-10 ice cubes

This made about a litre of fluid goodness. If I didn’t know any better, I might have overflowed the blender by putting in way too many ice cubes.


  1. Blend
  2. Enjoy!

Recipe from: Whatever I had left in the house

Serves 3

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